Your Business Risks
Your Business Risks
A partner you can trust
WieldMore because we want our clients to wield more power and control on what they are doing, on their investments and their risks.
Returns - Not all the
Risk - Our advanced personal risk profiling and dynamic suitability assessments ensure that your investment solutions keep up with your life, as it evolves. Plus talk about increasing the returns of the pension portfolios
Costs - Technology enables us to act with boutique precision to produce robust returns on your capital whilst keeping our fees low. (Compared to mainstream pension providers)
You are in control of the investment decisions. Think about adding some numbers i.e. fees to be paid to other providers versus us on an annual basis
Why talking to us?
Lorem Ipsum Donor
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Your options
Since the 2015 pension reforms, there are new retirement options available. From annuities to drawdowns, we discuss all different suitable options with you so that you can make well informed decisions when planning your retirement
Our advanced personal risk profiling and dynamic suitability assessments allow you to evolve your plans and make sure that your pension investment solutions keep up
Technology enables us to act with boutique precision to produce robust returns on your capital whilst keeping our fees low, compared to mainstream pension providers
Tax benefits
We help you maximise the tax benefits available in a SIPP, including your annual and lifetime allowance, and other possible avenues such as carry forward
Regular check-in
We actively keep in touch with you to keep abreast of any changes in your life and plans and ensure that our portfolios remain aligned with their retirement goals
The earlier you start, the greater you can benefit from compound interest. We help you understand the different scenarios and potential benefits of saving for retirement through our cash-flow modelling tools
Focus Previdenza
Milioni di italiani andranno in pensione senza sapere se avranno abbastanza disponibilità per coprire le proprie spese.
Eppure, una soluzione c’è.Con il nostro servizio di consulenza previdenziale aiutiamo i nostri clienti a sapere esattamente quando andranno in pensione, quantifichiamo il Gap contributivo, e costruiamo dei piani su misura per aumentare con certezza le entrate pensionistiche.
Cos’è il GAP contributivo? Il Gap contributivo è la differenza che ci sarà tra l’ultimo reddito da lavoro e il primo assegno pensionistico. È probabile che questa differenza sia molto importante, tanto da non consentire di sostenere lo stesso tenore di vita. Ma c’è un modo per gestire questi aspetti, e cominciare a ridurre questo Gap, grazie al nostro team di esperti previdenziali. Servizio indipendente /Definizione delle date di pensionamento /Quantificazione e riduzione del Gap contributivo / Miglioramento certo delle entrate pensionistiche
Inizia a pensare al tuo futuro già da oggi
Scopri quando e come andare in pensione nel modo migliore
Ricevi il tuo piano personalizzato e fatti aiutare nel pianificare le scelte migliori
A Partner You Can Trust
Advised Portfolios
Managed Bespoke Portfolios
Managed Model Portfolios
We help you achieve a comfortable and secure retirement by designing a financial plan to meet your specific goals.
With alternative asset allocation, downside protection and diversification, our portfolios are created to withstand the test of time. Our signature strategy is open to all investors in the WieldMore GVC Gaesco Multi-Asset Fund.
If you are as passionate about sustainability and doing more for the Planet as we are, we can optimise the ESG impact of your pension portfolio, whilst maintaining the risk and return objectives reflecting your goals.
Our managed SIPP (Self-Invested Pension Plan) provides you with a truly bespoke service delivered by a dedicated adviser who has extensive experience and knowledge of markets to manage your portfolio on your behalf.
This service is made for you if you are looking to retain flexibility in managing your pension whilst receiving specialist advice and execution.
Our advised SIPP allows you to keep control of your pension and widen your investment horizon having access to our in-house research and insights on investment opportunities.
We assess your requirements, objectives and existing portfolio, and lend our expertise to provide you with suitable, tailored advice.
We have a full range of portfolio solutions to match everyone's goals and objectives.