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22 Highbury Grove, London, N5 2EF, United Kingdom

Your Business Risks

Your Business Risks

Wield more power over your investments

Your Business & Your Assets

Identify your exposures

Assess your potential

Mitigate your risks


What we offer

Innovative solutions

to mitigate risks

Fair pricing and

transparent fees

State-of-the-art technology

and data management 

WieldMore’s team is comprised of some of the most experienced and qualified professionals in the industry. We have decades of experience in investment and risk management. Our expertise has been proven through our work with some of the world’s largest financial institutions.


We are here to make sophisticated financial decisions simpler, transparent and affordable. We mitigate the risks inherent to market volatility by leveraging our specialist knowledge and in-depth expertise.


We focus on analysing portfolio ESG risk metrics using artificial intelligence and our high-end cost-efficient technology, saving our clients time, money and resources.


Institutional Investors

The WieldMore Sustainable Investment Framework helps financial institutions and corporations translate complex regulatory requirements and scientific concepts into measurable net zero commitments within their core business activities. 

We are here to help


Today’s regional and global economic challenges make life for companies more difficult than ever. Applying our expertise in financial risk management may immediately improve the predictability, margins and growth of your business.

Discover Wieldmore's impact on SMEs

Today's markets challenge business. We want you to focus on your activities while we take care of the rest. We can have an immediate impact on your margins and revenues.

Take your advice to the next level

Your business is built on your clients and the way they trust you. We want to help you with the best resources to give them the best service.

Learn more about Wieldmore advisor service

Rely on us to rule the unconventional

Unconventional times require unconventional strategies. Our experienced team is focused on alternative investment management strategies that help institutions achieve their goals whilst minimizing risk.

Start building your financial future

We want to help people feel confident about tomorrow. There are several factors impacting financial well-being and we know it is not easy to manage them all. That’s why we are here.

Learn how we can help you

Committed to staying in the forefront of innovation, we are continuously weaving the results of our ongoing research and development initiatives into the services and products we offer. Leveraging our partnerships with leading academic institutions, we bring collaborative projects to market. 

University of Bath
Università Ca' Foscari


We collaborate with


Ideas & Insights

0% Rates
Downside Protection

Hedging duration risk is needed and it is urgent. Introducing a liquid alternative strategy to a portfolio improves its outcomes providing investors with stability during periods of high volatility and low interest rates.

Why consider liquid alternative investments?
Alternative Allocation 

A long time building block of investing, the 60/40 portfolio is now challenged by the prevailing ultra-low rates. Our liquid alternative strategy is the answer for better diversification. Now more than ever.

Risk Premia
Investment Diversification

We aim to diversify your portfolio into multiple asset classes, framing different investment opportunities in terms of risk premia alongside traditional asset classes to increase diversification and maximise returns.

Our strategies are designed to perform well in all weathers contributing confidence and stability to the portfolio. We combine traditional asset classes, including stocks, bonds and cash with alternative asset classes, such as volatility, commodities and currencies to protect your portfolio from all market risks. Our low fees are made possible by our digital native and boutique structure. We bring you.

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